torsdag 20 december 2018

Minima PA

Minima PA

I by  the Minima complete all mounted component in February, but i didn’t receive any so i by a new in April a kit 100W, after build it, i burn two transistor MRF 9120 so no idea to go on. Change to use IRF530 and skip 50MHz. And this works. After a try to made and measure on LP filter, all have high insertion loss  more then 1 dB. I decide to by one and to get ready with the PA. I found this on ebay
So a small board  with diode to fix the band select, and a regulator for the relays had to be done .
I already have an old led driver  LM3916 to monitor the power,  useful to monitor when struggling with the SDR parts!

Link to PA description Example Minima pa
Link to Filter

Result PA 1.8 – 30 MHz Output 45 – 75W ( drive max 5W) SWR 1.1 in 3.5 – 30 MHZ 1.2 @ 1.8MHz.

Hope to use it more in 2019!

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