söndag 31 december 2017

PA for 1296 MHz

Since i was finished with the transverter for 1296 MHz. I try to build a PA 45W this was not working. I start lock at ebay.com  an found a PA original from N9RIN. I by this and put it on a heatsink, it works grate. I run a few QSO with good reports. This pa was original set for class A bias 1.3A. My ide was to lower this to 400mA but when I try this I blow the transistor. It was a hard fight to get replacement for the PTF10021 infineon transistor. I bye 2 pcs from Alibaba, Kina this was not working. But on 18 December I received a pcs from Kynix.

 Perfect 23cm test was on the 19 December an now all was working even with lower bias 400mA, I measured 45.4 dBm out, not bad. The voltage to the PA is 28V so I tried to up converted it from 12V, there was a good article in Radcom nr2 2017, bayed from ebay.com, and add some filtering. Cant measuring any spurious on spectrum. A coax relay CX-140 used and a isolating extra relay Panasonic RK1-12. I has an already built RF pre-amplifier as I remember it is from  YU1AW, yu1aw

Now all is finished, before Christmas, hop on many more qso. next year.

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