söndag 31 december 2017

PA for 1296 MHz

Since i was finished with the transverter for 1296 MHz. I try to build a PA 45W this was not working. I start lock at ebay.com  an found a PA original from N9RIN. I by this and put it on a heatsink, it works grate. I run a few QSO with good reports. This pa was original set for class A bias 1.3A. My ide was to lower this to 400mA but when I try this I blow the transistor. It was a hard fight to get replacement for the PTF10021 infineon transistor. I bye 2 pcs from Alibaba, Kina this was not working. But on 18 December I received a pcs from Kynix.

 Perfect 23cm test was on the 19 December an now all was working even with lower bias 400mA, I measured 45.4 dBm out, not bad. The voltage to the PA is 28V so I tried to up converted it from 12V, there was a good article in Radcom nr2 2017, bayed from ebay.com, and add some filtering. Cant measuring any spurious on spectrum. A coax relay CX-140 used and a isolating extra relay Panasonic RK1-12. I has an already built RF pre-amplifier as I remember it is from  YU1AW, yu1aw

Now all is finished, before Christmas, hop on many more qso. next year.

lördag 30 december 2017

PA and Driver for next QRP Transciver

I has built a driver for the PA. I started to lock at “Building a Transceiver” by EI9GQ and G4LFM. Side 118 it has a promising setup of RD06HHF1. The test showed god result. Next step was to put it together with the PA. I has little more to do with the optimize power transfer from driver to PA, but it will work just to optimize performance. In The plot from VNA it was 30dB atten from the output to VNA, its means gain in driver is close to 20dB.

måndag 11 december 2017

PA For next QRP station

I by this PCB from K5BCQ a long time ago. Now I hade time to build and test the performance and it locks weary promising.  I measured max 42.7 dBm out.  But I think 42dBm 16W is more ok to not stretch the PA to much. The flatness is better then -0.7 dB from 1.8 – 52 MHz. It means that the work with the output transformers is grate.
I waiting for driver transistor to put in front of this module. I will put info here as son I has test the driver.