lördag 23 januari 2016

Project Minima has come to the end.

The distance to IW2KGW is 1569 km, report 44, antenna 3 el Beam.
The distance to SP6PYP is 789 km, report 57, antenna sky-loop 82m.

Modification not menschen earlier.
CW modulation take the signal from collector T17 and R43 connect 2,2uF and serial 180kohm to mic in.

This was adjusted after R33 220ohm changed to trim pot 500 ohm, to adjust modulation from mic.
100nF put in LP-Filter close to T+ pin (input regulator).
100nF put in LP-Filter close to +12V pin (input regulator).

I have no run QSO on 80m, 40m and 20m. I rely like the little fantastic Rig. It has built in CW memory for short CQ. Also QRSS Message not practiced yet. I think I have not found all feature yet.

It is close to unrealistic what is possible with this small rig. Width 18cm Depth 20cm Height 8cm Weight 1150 gram.

No I stopped soldering, no more measurement and go for practice with this QRP MINIMA.

If its unclear wat I have done you are welcome to email (Calsign@gmail.com) if you won’t more detail. Or put in a comment down hear.

SW is very close to Eldon Brown work really nice,  Eldons Code TANKS a Lot.
I add a Rx-preamp  +14dB its perfect when its weak signals.

Hope to her you on the band.

73 de SM4HNG Leif

2 kommentarer:

  1. Leif, gongrats on the nice blog! Please, tell me which schematic you are referring to? For example which are T17 and R43?

    73 de LZ1NEF

  2. Hi LZ1NEF

    Tanks for reading, send mail to calsign@tyfonmail.se i will return skematics to you.

    BR Leif
