söndag 16 november 2014

Minima main board started

The T/R switch is done. 5mA in Rx mode 45mA in Tx mode.
CW-Gen is done. 1mA when it is turned on. Output 10mV 720 Hz.

Tx/Rx, low = Tx  high = Rx, It is working ok if I/O is 3,3V.
CW-Gen if I/O is 3,3V R37 must be a lower value 47k > 27k, check T17c 6V.

Not much more to say about this.
The audio was to low for driving a speaker 140 m. So i must find a modification, i order some IC to tray. Next modification is to skip K2 LSB/USB relay.

The rest of the board will be the original design.

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