måndag 20 oktober 2014

QRP Minima

How i meat Minima.

One morning i search for Si570 and Arduino i came to this side http://www.phonestack.com/farhan/minima.html
Thanks Ashhar Farhan, for this transceiver.

Then i was really curious on this project, and start search more information.
The main page for this is http://www.hfsignals.org/index.php/Main_Page.

After a while i came to this side PP2KR.
Then i could not resist to bye the PCB from Kleibe PP2KR, thanks a lot.

Hear are some more god presentation. Thomas KK6AHT.

Here ar more links.

Video   EA7KB 

Now i am waiting for components to start build the digital board. Get it up and running, measuring on Si570 compared to AD9851. I will put up result her stay tuned.

BR Leif

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