måndag 20 oktober 2014

QRP Minima

How i meat Minima.

One morning i search for Si570 and Arduino i came to this side http://www.phonestack.com/farhan/minima.html
Thanks Ashhar Farhan, for this transceiver.

Then i was really curious on this project, and start search more information.
The main page for this is http://www.hfsignals.org/index.php/Main_Page.

After a while i came to this side PP2KR.
Then i could not resist to bye the PCB from Kleibe PP2KR, thanks a lot.

Hear are some more god presentation. Thomas KK6AHT.

Here ar more links.

Video   EA7KB 

Now i am waiting for components to start build the digital board. Get it up and running, measuring on Si570 compared to AD9851. I will put up result her stay tuned.

BR Leif

tisdag 14 oktober 2014

QRP - Tuners

This was mad a year ago but not marked. When i was on a QRP event i must take off the cover to understand how to use it, the labeling is now done. The inspire is from this tuner http://www.qrpkits.com/blt_plus.html

Later i came across this on ebay and order one kit. It looks ok, have only tested in lab-bench yet.

Hope it can be more used together with my QRP transceiver KN-Q10B, and the rig from this winter project, hopefully, stay tuned.

onsdag 8 oktober 2014

New Fox Receiver 80 M

This is a new board i receive a few weeks ago, Most off the resistors is now in place. I hope this will be the best receiver i have. The author is Bosse SM5CJW. I will experiment with the antenna for this receiver and see how it will preform. Compare ferrite -road and loop ant. I will put upp result hear, stay tuned.

fredag 3 oktober 2014

Fox Hunting

Long time as i write here. Fox hunting is one of may big interest. In May we run a fox hunting in Lindesberg Sweden. With this Transmitter, 5 pcs 1 with a broken antenna connector, this is now solved and hope to not happen again. Her is some data.

Frekvens                  144.765 MHz
Power                       1W
Lipo battery         11.1V 1200MAH 20C
Connector             DIN Start, Stop, Charging, Battery Check
                             Tele 3,5 Programming Com-port ttl)
Led                       Status of programming and battery
Programing           Modulation AM/FM
Number of fox
Call-sign at end of message
Competition time, test period, Tx interval. 

Screen shoot from the control soft-ware.

The software in transmitter and PC is made off may son Mattias.

We have no start planing for a 80m version this winter.
In Sweden all fox info is on http://www.pejla.se/