onsdag 12 februari 2020

QRP Digital Board 01


The Cad of this take some time, first try to put in CPU on the board didn’t  succeed , so the final is with the CPU module from . Same small mistakes is now fixed, and all function is verified. The result is a board with a lot of function.  Extra Dac for AGC , 8 i/o and one UART, 4 ADC channels this is for future use.  Tested and working is AREF analog reference for CPU module, RTC + EEPROM, VFO + BFO (Si5351), LP-Filter (CW/SSB), Input for CW key, MIC amplifier, MIC compressor, SD-CARD, TFT and Touch display, temp sensor, encoder and ton-generator for CW. Connection for the earlier done board PA, LP-Filter, Frontend 02

Next is a modified TRX board stay tuned!