måndag 4 februari 2019

Signal generator for short wave 0.1 – 30 MHz

I have an old test set Schlumberger 4022 I don’t need longer. This was one reason to build this generator. The generator is a kit from QRP Labs   it uses Si5131 from Silicon Labs. I used 2 attenuator  Weinschel  0-63.75 dB. The insertion loss @ 0dB atten was around 7 dB so I need a Amplifier and one more attenuator to compensate for that. I adjusted the attenuator to get 10 dBm output. A high isolation switch on output to turn on/off RF, typical 75dB isolation. A rotary encoder and Arduino mini pro drive the attenuator and isolator directly and one I2c OLED display, really simple solution, sw 100 row of code.