söndag 11 februari 2018

Time for SDR


I am no retired from January 2018, time to do some more experience, i decide to try SDR technology. I will go for use Computer as a part. Then i found this Hobby PCB for reasonable price, see HobbyPCB.

After a lot of SW setup its run nicely with 4W out. 
I have now run around ten QSO by this unit in QRP.

 I wont to place the external sound card, also from Hobby PCB Startech 96KHz USB SoundCard and USB hub in one box, to get it more simple to use. 

Next is to get a PA to work together with tis equipment. I have already burn one simple with IRF530. So I will lock for a better one. I am definitely fast to this techniques, 96kHz of the band on the screen compared with turning one VFO. on the old station, it is like a new please in the Galaxy. I will sell my old transceivers.  I have already ordered a 2m transverter from Ukraine, hope it arrives this week. Hope to be on air in Mars VHF-Test     6 Mars. This is my next goal.
 Some fun things I like.
Calibrated S-Meter, continues controlled output-power, filter works grate, notch filter also.
Next goal is to get it running with WSJT-X sw for digital modes.
Stay tuned. SM4HNG