tisdag 11 juli 2017


Electronic Compass

In the winter i spent time to test a sensor BNO055. This was a success it works from start, has built in tilt compensating and calibration. Only a few rows of code. It has two register  to read the current calibration state for system all sensors and magnetic sensors all values  > 0, gives correct directions.
Above photo, first digit is magnetic sensor status second is system status 0 – 3. My next try vas to integrated with Fox receiver and it also works., no effect of metal box.

I also try a sensor LMS303, but this this I can’t get to work.  I has cod to make tilt compensation and calibration. It doesn’t  give me 180 deg. Difference from N to S direction and also W – E so I lev it for now.

The BNO055 has been on two competitions, and the first direction after start was tree spot on and the other 2 just a few degrees off, it was a 80m fox-run.