söndag 7 augusti 2016

ARDF Fox Hunting

Receiver for 2

I need one more receiver for 2 meter so i order one more from 2m G3ZOI Receiver ROX-2X rox-2xI have heard that antenna in col-fiber should work so I wont to try if it is possible to make one.

1 See if it is possible to se impedance response.

2 Compare sensitivity with the old measuring tape antenna.

I search for inspiring and stay for this one. dk7zb 3el yagi

Here is response, little bit shorter balun has been fine (next time!).

The Result

Next is time for testing on a real competition.

80M Foxes

We need 2 more foxes for 80m so this was finalized for or competition, in the spring. A few batteries has passed, so I must check the charger, and by more for spare parts.

80M Receivers

I has struggle a lot with the latest 80m foxes (see Februari 2015), but the constructor Bo SM5CJW has help me and now they both are working, really good side tuning really clear. Hope also to check them in a competition later on.

Stay tuned I work on 2 more project 1296 Transverter and Antenna analyzer.
73 de Leif SM4HNG.