måndag 16 maj 2016

Transverter 1296 MHz

I came across the W1GHz side w1ghz, and this time i toke contact with Paul and order some boards. There is a lot of information on this sides. I have no started to build the LO 1152 MHz.  Here is some measurement from this.

Her is VCXO:
I start with a more simple VCXO not phase locked I can run practice on the beacon close to me 25 km or so to se ho accurate it will be, if not order more parts and get it locked to GPS.

Here is LO:
The 288 MHz Filter
The 1155 MHz filter

The Lo measured @ Mixer, 20 dB atten befor RF-Explorer.

The Transverter 1296 MHz, is now tested and it seems working ok. I am not sure about output power perhaps 5-10 mW, so I start working on drive stage.  Plan is to have 2,5 W out, Reddy for new PA!

It works so grate, her is a short video.