måndag 24 mars 2014


Lott of new experience this weekend. Using my new VNWA from http://www.sdr-kits.net/
I have measured Crystals from 2 - 32 MHz. i Have 10 HC-49S and 11 HC-49U 20 MHz. This was reserved for this project. Off the around 35 pics. i measured i put one in the trashcan. the is variation of Q and Rs in the samples. but the  HC-49S @ 20 MHz has a Q of 76000 - 90000 and should be okay.

A plot from the VNWA.

Amazing SW option included in VNWA sw.

I will later in this week hopefully mount lsb and usb crystal in the modulator/de-modulator.

fredag 21 mars 2014


Here is the backside of my MF. Now the Mic amplifier is there. Gain 13 - 33 dB. Current consumption 4.7 mA. Frequency response 3dB is 300Hz to 40 kHz. There is a filter between Mic amplifier and modulator. When i apply this it start oscillate at 1MHz but i solved it yesterday with 10 nF at gain potentiometer !
Next tonight i try to build the modulator SA612, and to finished i must desire MF frequency.

Murfe  has taken my oscilloscope, it is completely dark. So i leave the LF for now.

onsdag 12 mars 2014

 Here is the block diagram. It is then easier to understand what i am building. Here is some more links ho has inspired me.
SV1DJG  QRP and Homebrewing
G4FUI Photos tagged with eden9

The original is named EDEN 9.
Do anyone have a better ides of using LM380 SMD component prefer 1-2W out ?
Nex time is the mic amplifier.

söndag 9 mars 2014


Next stepp was to bild a LF amplifier LM380. It works as it should ~ 650 mW @ 12V 8 ohm, 
or 1W @ 12V 4 ohm,  I = 15 mA no Audio  150 mA @ 1W out.  Gain 34 dB. Whit a litel 4 ohm speaker it sounds realy hard with 1 KHz ton. Frequency ressponce -3dB @ 165 Hz 0 dB @ 100 kHz.

On satterday i solder the preamplifier NE5534 clipping @ 250 mV out. The LM380 neds only 40 mV in
so this is ok Gain 28 dB  Frequency ressponce -3dB @  400 Hz and 2,4 kHz locks promising.

Together NE5534 + LM380 give a gain of 60dB measured.

Stay tuned next i put out a block diagram.

This is the homemade PCB for MF EDEN 20, i made it on to Thursday evning.  160*91 mm.
i use the cad ExpressPCB.